Welcome to the 2011/2012 school year!
Rockton Grade School has many exciting things planned for the students this
year. Keep your computer mouse tuned to this website for updates of our
calendar. Here is just a small list of upcoming events:
May 28 -
Memorial Day - No school.
June 1st - Last Day of
Student Attendance.
July 26th - Kindergarten and
New Family Registration at SMMS - 12:00p - 8:00p
July 31st - Kindergarten
and New Family Registration at SMMS - 10:00a - 6:00p
Aug. 22nd - Tentative Date for
First Day of School for 2012/13 School Year
Look below for great pictures of your
2011/2012 HIGHLIGHTS
April 5…Elegant Day in Mrs.
Johnson’s Kindergarten class
Golden Apple
Brown Gail Johnson
Carlson Barb Kubat
Emily Dummer
Jayne Maxwell
Fitzsimmons AnnDee Nimmer
Jacquelyn Hade
Annie Rohrer
Teresa Halom
Pat Taphorn
RGS Project Fair was held April 17, 2012. The following
received Outstanding Achievement Ribbons!! Thank you to
everyone involved!
Will Roberts
Jonathan Meichtry
Emily Anderson
Lydia Houston
Casey Bohn
Benjamin Berry
Avril Franklin
Arun Kumar
Annelise Mesa
William Hardwick |
Kelly Hernandez
Noah Chatfield
Brenden Davis
Brandon Beck
Joey Davis
Krithik Sai
Joseph Kasel
Carly LaMay
Jake McLarty |
William Hardwick presents 'Angry Birds Math' |
Casey Bohn's presentation on 'Ocean Animals in
Danger' |
Terry, Mrs. Salberg, and Samantha Hopkins showing off their jerseys on
Favorite Team Day.
RGS Librarian Mrs. Eischeid talking with Mrs. Campbell's class
about the RGS Luau Book Fair.
Keegan Ray,
Speech Pathologist, shows a Remote Controlled Rocket to students during
their Outer Space Program. |
RGS 2011 Book Fair - Is
that Mrs. Eischeid, RGS Librarian or could it be an alien visiting the Book
Mrs. Hade's 2nd grade
class performs Johnny Appleseed.
RGS students, along with
Miss Rathe, collect presents for Wimpy's Fund.
Book Buddies in Mrs.
Johnson's kindergarten class and Mrs. Breese's 4th grade class share a
Thanksgiving feast.
Kindergarten classes have the
opportunity to view military equipment as part of a Veteran's Day lesson plan.
RGS McTeacher Night
September 27… 97
ZOK Radio presented Mrs. Taphorn with flowers and Panera
bagels/coffee for staff as the "Teacher of the Week". |
Run held September 30th brought in $13,853.97 worth of donations!! What a great
job, RGS students and parents!
2010/2011 HIGHLIGHTS
Rockton Grade School held their Project Fair
April 5th. This is a great opportunity for students to research projects
of interest.
Students and parents attend 'Elegant Day' in
Mrs. Johnson's kindergarten class. Students learned the waltz, setting a
proper table, and correct etiquette when asking someone to dance.
This day was enjoyed by all!! |
February 28…Read Across America
Rockton School District Superintendent,
Jean Harezlak and Andy Gannon from WIFR-23 read to four Kindergarten classes in
celebration of Read Across America. Additional “guest” readers throughout the
week included Representative Dave Winters, Mayor Dale Adams, and members of the
Rockton Fire Dept., Rockton BOE, and Talcott Library. |
Clifford, The Big Red Dog, comes to the RGS
Book Fair !!
Mr. Ray enjoys showing the Pre-K class
different musical instruments.
2010 Fun Run Reward!
The students got to see their
favorite teachers sumo wrestle each other as a reward for making their fun run
Great job kids!!
Mr Enderle (Art) and Mrs. Maddix (K) |
Mrs. Campbell vs Mrs. Nimmer (1st Grade) |
Mr. Carlson and Mrs. Ward (2nd Grade) |
Mr. Carlson (2nd Grade) |
Mrs. Maddix (K) vs Mr. Enderle (Art) |
have a color theme each day for the first week of school!
RGS October Fun Run !!!
RGS 2009/2010
Rockton Grade School's first grade enrichment
class showed off their reports and dioramas as they learned about
endangered animals. The students researched their topic, typed
their reports, and shared them with the rest of their classes. |
RGS students collect for
Wimpy's Fund
December, 2009
Mr. Carlson, 2nd Grade teacher and students.
Mrs. Erickson, Kindergarten teacher
Ghostbusters catch a 'Principal' Ghost !!!!
Mrs. Stevens, 1st Grade teacher.
Kindergarten celebrates Career
Day by dressing up in costume of what they want to be when they grow up. This is
in honor of our reading theme, titled Neighborhood Helpers.
RGS first grade enrichment
class showed off their reports and dioramas as they learned about endangered and
extinct animals. This term's enrichment group focused on reading and
RGS celebrated
Dr. Suess's birthday and Read Across America on March 6th. The Cat in the
Hat visited Mrs. Halom's pre-k class. RGS students were asked to read a
book and design their own hat.
January 20th - RGS celebrates Inauguration Day
RGS students raised $16,406.85 for the PTO by participating in the Fun Run.
The awards assembly was held October 31st and was capped off by Dr. Browning and
Mr. Terry getting 'dunked' in the Dunk Tank!! Brrrrrr!
RGS students and
staff celebrate Halloween with a costume parade and class parties.
Kindergarten students shared a special day with their
grandparents !