Whitman Post Elementary School
Photos and
Whitman Post Highlights
Project Fair was held on April 17th, 2012

"Bearded Dragon Lizard"
"Trebuchet"-a Medieval Weapon
"Life of a Hamster"
4th Grade Wax Museum was May 17th, 2012
Students research and become a historical
figure, of their own choosing, during the Wax Museum.

"Douglas MacArthur"
"Isaac Newton"
"Betsy Ross"
On April 11th, 180 fifth grade students pledged to live
a drug and alcohol free life.
Abbey Wishop was the winner of the DARE
T-shirt Contest
Mr. Bigwood's class
wear their new 2012 DARE T-shirts, showing Abbey's winning design!
Congratulations to Gina Tuula, our Golden
Apple Award Winner for 2012!
We are, all, very proud of you!
During February 23rd and March 1st
conferences, the Whitman Post Library will host their Book Fair. The theme
is: "Book Fair
Luau-A Reading Celebration!"

Valentines for Veterans
Every year, Mrs. Newman's 5th grade class make
and collect valentines to send to our veterans, to show how much they are appreciated and
that they are never forgotten.

January 30th, 2012 was WPES 2nd Quarter
Rewards Day.
Students who had all passing grades and no detentions, during the 2nd quarter,
were treated to a rewards day for their excellent achievements. Students played
a variety of games and had snacks after school.

Congratulations Golden Apple Nominees!
The Golden Apple
Foundation is recognizing Pre-K–5th
teachers this year. Congratulations to our WPES
nominees: Shelia Ball, Cari Benkovich, Amy Bigwood, Jay Bigwood, Julie Breese,
Leah Carter, Lisa Larson, Andrea Leitner, Kathy Sipe, Anita Stiffler, Gina Tuula,
Lance Tuula, Paige Young.

Golden Apple Foundation thanks you for inspiring
the children of our community.
Whitman Post Elementary Choir sang at the
Cherryvale Mall on December 8th

October 20th & 21st, 2011, 3rd graders visit
Main St. in Rockton, IL

Students visit the
Rockton Police Dept., the Rockton Fire Dept. and the Talcott Library,
during their field trip downtown.

November 14th-17th, 2011, WPES students sponsored a Food Drive at the school.

November 14-17, 2011, WPES
celebrated American Education Week by dressing up as "your future career"

November 22nd, 2011
Book Buddies, from Mrs. Breese's 4th grade class, share a
Thanksgiving feast with Mrs. Johnson's Kindergarten class

Veterans Day Program at WPES on November 10th,

Walter Graham American Legion Post 332 Rifle Squad present the

PFC Paige DesJardin joins her sister, Paris, a 5th
grader at WPES for Veterans Day.
Mr. Zach Newman plays Taps at the Veterans Day Remembrance
The WPES Choir sang for the veterans at the Veterans Day
Whitman Post PTO Fun Run Fundraiser was
September 30th 2011
Principal Scott Rollinson
runs with Whitman Post students during the PTO Fun Run
4th grade teacher, Lance Tuula, and 3rd grade teachers, Leah
Carter and Jane Schamell enjoy showing off some special moves with students at
the PTO Fun Run.
3rd grade teacher, Stori Dimke, runs with some of her
students, while Mrs. Meier, 5th grade, shows Mrs. Tuula, 5th grade, some of her
"Superwoman" running skills during the Fun Run.
Whitman Post Family Bike Ride was on Saturday, October 1st,
Whitman Post P.E. teacher, Mark Donaldson, coordinates the
annual family bike ride, to help encourage healthy lifestyles.
Whitman Post 3rd graders received dictionaries from the
Winnebago Rotary Club

Class lists were posted on August 22nd at WPES
Students and parents check homeroom class lists,
on the front doors, of Whitman Post Elementary.

Whitman Post 4th Grade Wax Museum Was Held on
May 26th, 2011

Robert E. Lee
Joan of Arc Martin
Luther King
Competitions were held in April, 2011

Some of Whitman Post students show their
trophies which they won for their speeches. Forensic competitions were
held at the Hononegah High PAC. Congratulations to everyone who
participated. GREAT JOB!
The Whitman Post Elementary School Project Fair
April 5th, 2011
Students show and inform guests about their chosen projects.
Art Contest Winners

This Spring, the Village of Rockton held an Art
Contest for local students.
These four future famous artists were the winners
from Whitman Post Elementary School. They are Cassidy Gent-5th grade, Katie
Glime-5th grade, Emily Lopota-4th grade, and Paige Griffith-3rd grade.
Their works of art will be
hanging on display, downtown in Rockton, at the Municipal Center.
A BIG congratulations to you,
all! February, 2011
Mrs. Tuula's class collected items for a local nursing home.

Whitman Post Choir Sang at the CherryVale Mall
December, 2010
 Whitman Post Held D.A.R.E. Graduation on December
3rd, 2010
After weeks of studying the
bad effects of alcohol and drugs, the Whitman Post 5th grade class were
presented with diplomas and t-shirts after successfully completing the course
with D.A.R.E. resource coordinator, Officer Cure.

Nate Wilson designed this year's D.A.R.E. T-shirts

Some of our D.A.R.E. graduates pose after
graduation with their D.A.R.E. mascots

Mr. Rollinson passes out D.A.R.E. mascots to some
of the 2010 graduates.
Whitman Post Veterans Day Assembly Was Held On
November 11th, 2010

The Whitman Post Choir performed for the Veterans
Day Assembly

Veterans participated in the Veterans Day

Students From Whitman Post Collect For Our
Soldiers During
the entire month of October, Whitman Post collected for the 101st Airborne,
stationed in the Arghandab valley in Afghanistan. Over 40 boxes of items were
Mrs. Ball's 4th grade class
collected the most items to send to the soldiers in Afghanistan.
Whitman Post Held Pumpkin Painting on
Wednesday, October 27th
Children painting pumpkins as their reward for no detentions for the first quarter.
Children painting pumpkins as their reward for no detentions for the first quarter.
The Rockton PTO Gives A Special Assembly to
Celebrate Fun Run
Faculty sumo wrestlers entertain RGS and WPES students during the Fun Run Assembly. Mrs. Carter shares some time with two of her class winners for the PTO Fun Run. Doctor Browning is the referee and pronounces the winner!
Faculty sumo wrestlers entertain RGS and WPES students during the Fun Run Assembly.
The PTO Fun Run Was Held October 1st, 2010
Whitman Post held the first Character Assembly
of the 2010-2011 School Year on Friday, September 3rd.

Wpes staff helped make the character assembly a great success!
The Rockton School District celebrated the new
school year with a family picnic on August 17, 2010.
Jenny Middleton,SMMS secretary and Tammy Welcher, WPES secretary visit during the picnic. Dr. Browning, RGS principal and Lisa Rehfeldt, RGS secretary enjoy their time at the district picnic. Gail Johnson, RGS teacher, stops to say hello during the picnic. Mrs. Wolfe, Mrs. Sipe, and Mrs. Benkovich visit with their guest at the district picnic. Mr. Shook, Technology, and his wife relax together during the picnic. WPES 5th grade teacher, Drew Ibendahl, shows off his winning smile, while enjoying himself at the district picnic. Mr. Baumgartner, SMMS teacher, and Mr. Collins, SMMS teacher stop to have a discussion while enjoying the district picnic. Deb Grace, WPES classroom aide, and Jim LaForge enjoying their talk together. "Children" of all ages enjoyed the playground. Mr. Rollinson, WPES principal, plays with his children during the Rockton District picnic.
Jenny Middleton,SMMS secretary and Tammy Welcher, WPES secretary visit during the picnic.
Whitman Post Elementary School
End of the Year "BASH"
Whitman Post Elementary School
Field Day
May 26th 2010
Some of the Hononegah Ladies softball team came to help out during the rewards whiffle ball game at WPES. Mr. Rollinson escorts a group, out on the fields, to start playing whiffle ball during our rewards whiffle ball games. Students enjoy chips and juice, along with their hot dogs during the whiffle ball rewards game. Mrs. Bergstrom and Mrs. Atkins serve hot dogs and snacks to hungry players! One game of whiffle ball is in full "swing"! Concentration while up to bat! Fun for all when the next player gets up to bat!
Some of the Hononegah Ladies softball team came to help out during the rewards whiffle ball game at WPES.
Jump Rope for Heart 2010, collected $17,766
between RGS and WPES, which was a new record for our students. Thank you and we
are very proud of you, all!

Many Different Activities Happened At Our
5th Grade Timber-Lee Trip, March 31-April 1,
Valentines for Veterans

Mrs. Newman's 5th grade class collected 400 Valentines for United
States Veterans. The students hand made the Valentines, and sent them all
over the country to show their appreciation to our veterans.
Pennies for Patients

Mrs. Schamell's 3rd grade class earned a pizza party, as top fundraisers, for
the Pennies for Patients collection at WPES. We are very proud of all our
students at Whitman Post, for collecting $2228.02 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma
Whitman Post Students enjoyed a reward trip to
Coco Key Water Park on February 2, 2010
Students were challenged while crossing the water at Coco Key. These two students decided to relax a little while in the water! Students enjoyed the water at Coco Key during the February 2, 2010 rewards trip. Mr. Rollinson swims with some of Whitman Post's students at Coco Key. Mrs. Sipe, Mr. Donaldson, Mr. LaMay, Mrs. Welcher, and Mr. Terry were some of the great chaperones during the Coco Key reward trip Students enjoy pizza during a break from all the water fun at Coco Key Water Park!
Students were challenged while crossing the water at Coco Key.
More Coco Key Fun
Students try their skills at water basketball during Coco Key reward trip. These friends are enjoying the water at Coco Key Waterpark.
Students try their skills at water basketball during Coco Key reward trip.
Whitman Post Artists

These young artists from WPES
have their drawings hanging in the Rockton Municipal Center

Whitman Post Elementary School's 4th & 5th
Grade Choir

Whitman Post choir sang at the Cherryvale Mall
on December 3rd, 2009

Mr. Newman directs the Whitman Post Elementary
School choir during their concert at Cherryvale, December 3rd, 2009.
Mix-It-Up Day/November 2009

Mrs. Bigwood sits with students while making new friends
during Mix-It-Up Day.

Ms. Rathe, WPES counselor, talks to students
during Mix-It-Up Day
Whitman Post
Elementary School Talent Show
Student's from WPES show their incredible talents at the after school talent show.
Student's from WPES show their incredible talents at the after school talent show.
The traveling science trailer at WPES
Students learn about all areas of science when the traveling science trailer came to Whitman Post Elementary School.
Students learn about all areas of science when the traveling science trailer came to Whitman Post Elementary School.
Principal for a day winners
Mr. Rollinson picks his principals for the day. Students see what it is like to be the principal for the entire day! Some students kind of liked the job of pricipal for the day. It looks like they had everything under control!
Mr. Rollinson picks his principals for the day. Students see what it is like to be the principal for the entire day!
Whitman Post 4th Grade Wax Museum
WPES Wax Museum participants
WPES Wax Museum participants
Some activities happening lately
Mrs. Bybee and Mr. Bigwood enjoy showing off their hats for "Hat Day" at WPES. On Hat Day, we see some very unusual hats! Mrs. Newman shows us her favorite hat for "Hat Day". Many students and their families ride for the Bike Ride. PE teacher at WPES, Mr. Donaldson, rides and motivates students to keep fit. Two Rockton police officers find time to relax with some of the participates in the Bike Ride. Families deserve a much needed rest after riding in the Bike Ride. All ages enjoyed the family Bike Ride.
Mrs. Bybee and Mr. Bigwood enjoy showing off their hats for "Hat Day" at WPES.
Some of our students enjoying the new WPES fitness path. Running like the wind around is so much fun on our new fitness path "Hammy" the Ice Hog's mascott comes to cheer on students at the PTO Fun Run. Students and teachers run together for a great cause. Students get so excited to participate for the PTO Fun Run. Mr. Rollinson and Mr. Terry run for the PTO Fun Run fundraiser. Whitman Post holds their mock election. Student helpers wait in case anyone needs assistance while voting in the mock election The lines are long, but the students are patient while waiting to vote. Judges count the votes to announce to the school who is the winner.
Some of our students enjoying the new WPES fitness path.
More Whitman Post Highlights
A WPES student explains her project to one of the judges. More students explain their project during the WPES Project Fair Mrs. Harezlak listens to a student explain her project.
Whitman Post Elementary School
Whitman Post Elementary School The front hall of Whitman Post Elementary School The library at Whitman Post Elementary Whitman Post Elementary School's library Whitman Post Elementary School's climbing wall in the gymnasium
Whitman Post Elementary School