The following are health forms you may need for school this year:
- Immunization information
- Allergy Action Plan
- Asthma Action Plan
- Dental Exam Form
- Dental Exam Waiver Form
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan
- Eye Exam Report
- Hearing & Vision Screening Information
- Medication Authorization Form
- Physical Exam Form
- Religious Exemption Certificate
- Understanding Type 1 Diabetes
More information below:
*Please Read* Health Record Requirements for Students Entering Rockton School District #140
Attendance is very important for your child's success in school. Refer to the student/parent handbook for guidelines, or contact the nurse at your child's school directly, to determine if your child is ill enough to stay home from school. Please call or email the main office or the nurse at your child's school with a reason for the absence by 8:00 AM. A message with the name, date, and reason can be left on our voice mail anytime if your child will not be attending school. Your child will be marked unexcused until we have contact with a parent or guardian. Unexcused absences could result in a referral to the Regional Attendance Office.
Please refer to the student handbook for school policy on both prescription and over the counter medication at school.
Parents who object to immunizations or health examinations for their children on religious grounds must present a written, signed statement of such objections along with the required Illinois Certificate of Religious Exemption signed by a physician licensed to practice medicine. There is a link to the certificate on this page. General philosophical or moral reluctance to immunizations and health examinations will not provide a sufficient basis for an exception to statutory requirements.
To contact the nurse, please call the Rockton Grade main office at 815.624.8585